Funny Names of Game of Thrones

"An inspiring sight for the people, eh? Come, bow before your king. Bow, you shits!"

King Robert Baratheon, while dressed in his smallclothes

General Funny stuff here. For Season Specific visit:

  • Game Of Thrones Seasons One To Four
  • Game Of Thrones Season Five To Eight

Behind The Scenes

  • In the series pilot, co-creators Benioff and Weiss mocking Arya's obviously dubbed-in exposition about Jaime as "our finest writing moment."

    Arya: That's Jaime Lannister, the Queen's brother.
    Benioff: Hours and hours we spent working on that.

  • Episode 2 has Lena Headey (Cersei), Nikolaj Coster-Waldeau (Jaime) and Mark Addy (Robert Baratheon) taking a moment to comment how terribly unattractive actors Kit Harington (Jon Snow) and Richard Madden (Robb Stark) are:

    Nik: Robb Stark...
    Lena: Two... ugly men...
    Nik: Ugly, unattractive...
    Mark: Th-they're very ordinary, really.
    Lena: They're very ordinary.
    Nik: So ordinary.
    Lena: Yeah. And then putting fur around them just makes it worse.
    [Nikolaj chuckles]

  • Hearing sweet, beautiful Lena Headey cursing like a sailor in the DVD Commentary for Season 1, Episode 2. And also invoking Twincest, while discussing Cersaime.
    • Lena and Nikolaj watching the rough, uncomfortable sex scene between Dany and Drogo:
    • And later during the Dany/Doreah Les Yay scene.

      Doreah: Men like what they've never had. And the Dothraki take slaves like a hound taking a bitch.
      Lena: Wwwow...

    • The story of how Kit Harington and John Bradley got stuck in the Wall's elevator for an hour, with an ever-growing number of people gathering below them.
  • Michelle Fairley (Catelyn) and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime) bantering in this commentary, and having... uh... difficulties to pronounce "Jaqen".
    • From Nikolaj Coster-Waldeau and Michelle Fairley's commentary, Coster-Waldeau points out how a pause in Robb and Talisa's sex scene could be interpreted as Robb having finished very quickly, forcing Fairley to defend her "son's" sexual prowess.
    • During the build-up to Robb's sex scene, when he offers Talisa wine:

      Michelle Fairley: He's gonna get her drunk and have his way.
      Nikolaj Coster-Waldau: King in the North!

  • Episode 3's commentary starts with... children singing along with the main theme. Only to cut themselves off and introduce themselves as Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner and Isaac Hempstead-Wright. And then go right back to singing along with the main theme.
    • Even better, they start mimicking as soon as the static of the HBO title screen pops up before the opening titles proper.
  • Last season, we had Maisie Williams (Arya), Sophie Turner (Sansa) and Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran) singing along to the opening theme of the show; this season they've matured and decided to go one better... and beat-box it . And they actually do a very good job!
    • And now everybody sing along!
    • George R.R. Martin's obsession with the main characters not wearing helmets in the "Blackwater" commentary. He starts on it as soon as the battle begins and refuses to let it go for the rest of the episode.
    • The entirety of Alfie Allen and Gemma Whelan's commentary on "The Night Lands". Two very goofy people who hold nothing about the show sacred, feeling free to let loose.
      • But especially whenever Theon is dealing with his family, and they instantly both start redubbing the scene as stroppy teenagers.
      • And, during the scene where Gendry reveals that he knows Arya is a girl.

        Gemma: Take your cock out... not you, Alf. Put it away.

    • Vitriolic Best Buds Liam Cunningham and Carice Van Houten have quite a few moments, like Carice recounting her numerous animal phobias, and their discussion of inherently funny lines.
      • During the infamous ending 'shadow' scene, they're discussing Liam's eagerness to see Carice's fake pregnancy and his sheer embarrassment after mistaking her real breasts for fake ones, thinking they were using a full-body prosthetic.

        Liam: Then what did you show them to me for?!

    • Lena Headey referring to Liam Cunningham as a "sexy badger" due to the coloring of his beard in the second Blackwater commentary.
    • In the commentary for "A Golden Crown", Harry Lloyd talking about his favourite lines from various character and his embarrassment after sshing everyone for Mark Addy's, only for the scene to then have Robert slap Cersei hard across the face without saying a word;

      Emilia: That is your favourite line?!
      Harry: No, no! This next line here!

    • Discussing the strong women on the show, Alan Taylor asks Emilia Clarke if she's worried about the competition.

      Emilia: Oh, honey, I've got dragons. I'm going to win.

    • From episode 10, during Brienne's execution of the northerners...

      Emilia: For women everywhere!

      • "I WANT JASON! BRING BACK JASON!" Doubles as Heartwarming Moments.
    • In the Blackwater commentary, Peter Dinklage mentioning his grandmother mishearing him and thinking he'd won the part of "Interior Bannisters". This becomes Hilarious in Hindsight when Nikolaj Coster-Waldau had his "Lannister on the Bannister" skit on Jimmy Kimmel Live!.
  • The revelation that Richard Madden won the Most Stylish Man In Scotland award, and that Kit Harington has never let him forget it.
  • When John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) is asked what his house sigil and motto would be, he replies thusly:

    The motto would probably be 'Oh for god's sake. ' D'you know sometimes when you get an ice lolly?... And you wait too long to eat it and it melts and it falls off the stick? The disappointment that that encapsulates would suit 'Oh for god's sake' quite perfectly. Although, to go into battle with that on a banner, you've lost the battle already, psychologically, I think.

    • In a Season 2 interview, Kit Harington recalls that one of the funniest scenes the Iceland filming crew got was when they literally filmed John Bradley's face freezing up slowly "into a block of ice".

      Kit: He got... icicles on his little eyelashes.
      Emilia and Lena: Aww...

  • When Charles Dance is asked on The Jonathan Ross Show to introduce his character, he says:
    • And then Charles proceed to complain how the show's sex scenes have no foreplay much to his co-stars Rose Leslie and Kit Harington's laughter.
    • Hearing the mighty Lord Tywin Lannister say things like "Rumpy-pumpy" and "Doggy fashion".
  • Before filming the Season 2 finale, the crew gave Alfie Allen a fake script saying that Theon would be killed. To their disappointment, instead of getting upset, he was willing to go along with it. It wasn't until he read a part about Theon rising as a wight that he realized they were pulling a prank on him.
    • The scene itself was written so that Bran would kill Theon while riding on Hodor, which makes it even more hilarious.
  • When George R. R. Martin was asked to name Westeros' Sexiest Man Alive, his reply was:

    "If you were a gay guy, you might say Loras Tyrell was the sexiest man alive. If you were a straight woman, well again you might say Loras Tyrell! (laughs)

  • The look of utter mortification that Maisie Williams has after realising she's just openly admitted to thinking that Joe Dempsie as Gendry would probably win the title of "Sexiest Man in Westeros" (even funnier when their characters end up losing their virginity to each other in Season 8).
    • In the same vid, when asked what her house sigil and motto would be, she picked a tortoise as the animal because of their hard shell. And the motto? Go hard, or go home!
  • Bryan Cogman admitting that Selyse keeping her stillborn sons in jars was just a random idea he had in the middle of the night that he put in the "Kissed by Fire" script as a joke, never expecting the other crew members would actually go for it.
  • When HBO released a promo still of Rickon for Series 3, Art Parkinson joked on Twitter about how even he had to run and check that he'd actually been in it!
  • The bear from "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" was named Bart.
    • And gets a single credit screen all to himself (he's actually the second movie star bear to have the name, born shortly after the death of the first).
    • While filming the bear's scenes, the crew kept shouting "nice bear!" and playing country music to not upset it.
  • This outtake picture from TV Guide has a You Taste Delicious moment where Lena Headley is licking the side of Peter Dinklage's face, with Nikolaj looking on in mock horror.
  • In order to not give anything away, the HBO blurb for "Second Sons" describes the White Walker that attacks Sam and Gilly as "an older gentleman."
  • For the book readers with a dark sense of humor, the reactions of non readers to the Red Wedding.
    • Maisie Williams' reaction to the same.
    • In his appearance on Conan, GRRM himself seemed to enjoy the red wedding reactions a bit too much.
  • Speaking of the Red Wedding, everyone on set was apparently in tears filming it. This includes Oona Chaplin, who was the first victim. But she had already decided that Talisa Dies Wide Open, so the director had to keep calling cut to tell Oona to stop crying since she was supposed to be a corpse.
  • More from GRRM's appearance on Conan: he talks about growing up in New Jersey, looking out across the river and seeing this glittering city and wondering just what kind of people lived there and what kind of adventures there were to be had. Of course what he was seeing was Staten Island, much to everyone's (including grown-up Martin himself) amusement.
  • Lord Tywin Lannister reads Fifty Shades of Grey.
  • In his interviews, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau seems to have difficulty remembering he isn't Jaime Lannister as he spends most of them either defending or gushing over him.
  • Emilia Clarke recounting her first meeting with Jason Momoa:

    Our first ever meeting in the lobby of a Belfast hotel did start by him rugby tackling me to the floor yelling "WIFEY!!"

    • Before they filmed one of their many sex scenes, Momoa decided to prepare by putting a sock puppet on his penis. Emilia laughed so hard for so long that a fifteen minute break of filming was needed for her to fully calm down.
  • The ComicCon "In Memoriam" video can be oddly funny at parts. Like when they show "Beric Dondarrion ... for the 6th time" (complete with him resurrecting and saying "Not today"), rapidly raising counts of "Baratheon soldier" in Blackwater, the fact that dull witted and unspeakably violent monster Gregor Clegane named his horse "Chateaubriand", or just flashing random characters so fast you can barely see with completely unfitting music.
    • Also the names that some of the bit part characters are given, such as "Mean Stark Soldiers" and "Old Dude". The wight that Jon Snow kills is also called "Othor", with another one called "Random Wight".
    • The "In Memoriam" coffee table book would an utter downer if not for the multiple appearances of Beric Dondarrion with the same text written in his third page as it was in his first.
  • Members of the cast talk about their horrified reactions to the Red Wedding... then comes Charles Dance, almost in-character, completely deadpan, and just points out that Tywin did what he had to do.

    Youtube Commenter: This "Tywin Lannister" guy is a really good actor. He really sells his scenes as Charles Dance.

  • George RR Martin spoils Season 4.
    • On that note, Natalie Dormer "spoils" Season 4.
  • Finn Jones and Oona Chaplin try their darndest to eat a whole, raw onion in less than 42 seconds.
  • When Iwan Rheon was being asked about the best of playing Ramsay, he responded that it was torturing Theon, which caused the reporter to ask how is it to torture Alfie Allen. Rheon says that it is fiction, and that Allen still has a penis.
  • John Bradley, Finn Jones and Kristian Nairn are interviewed (and later act in a silly GoT parody) on ''Sarah Millican''.
  • Watch Gethin Anthony, Finn Jones, Gemma Whelan and Daniel Portman sing the GoT opening theme at the 2013 RingCon.
    • The aforementioned 4 actors also performed a parody of Renly's death scene which included Loras. After the scene is finished, Gethin's facial expression as he's getting up pretty much says, "I totally didn't expect that Finn would kiss me on the mouth!"
  • George Martin discovering that the inevitable XXX-rated parody had shied away from portraying Brother–Sister Incest, so he now has a TV series that's dirtier than its porn version.
  • GRR on people naming their children after GOT characters, so in years to come "school teachers will curse my name as they attempt to spell Daenerys."
  • Throughout several interviews and pieces of promotional material, Jason Momoa simply refuses to accept that his character has been killed off. At one point he crashes a Comic Con, shouts, "I'm not dead, George!" and plants a big one on Emilia Clarke.
  • When asked about whether or not the game would have sex scenes in it, Telltale Games said "There are sex scenes in Game of Thrones?".
  • #RoastJoffrey: An entire event dedicated to taking the piss out of Joffrey. Highlights include:
  • The Season 4 video Foreshadowing has some good bits, like Kit Harington talking about the difficulty of treating a "big green dummy" like it's your lifelong pet, Gwendoline Christie's Evil Laugh, and, this troper's personal favorite, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Peter Dinklage doing a dance number during Tyrion's trial.
  • On the Season 3 commentaries, Gwendoline Christie's shock and grief at learning that, due to a broken ankle, Kit Harington had to use a butt double in "Kissed By Fire".
    • Followed by an extremely prolonged discussion of Richard Madden's cleavage.
    • Bryan Cogman claims that he'd intended to play Maester Pylos before the character was Adapted Out.
    • Vanessa Taylor repeatedly ribbing Catelyn for constantly crying throughout Season Three.
    • Kit talking about how he "hugged" Rose off the Wall.
    • Emilia Clarke on what it was like watching Season One with her parents: "Dad, you need to go make another cup of coffee. Now, now, now, please."
    • Michelle Fairley relates how she ran into Natalia Tena on their shared last day on the season, and Tena excitedly (and rather tactlessly, given what Fairley had spent the past week filming) proclaimed that she hadn't gotten a farewell basket from the producers, meaning she would be coming back.
    • Iwan Rheon claims he has the map from the credits tattooed on his ass. Plus, cheerfully calling out to his dad whenever Roose is onscreen.
    • George RR Martin explains that the Season Three scripts featured a lot of scenes being swapped around between episodes, which makes him quite happy as he's able to talk about how great the writing in "his" episode is without feeling awkward about praising his own work.
    • When Maester Aemon appears, Iwan says to Emilia "He's related to you, right?" referring to Aemon being Dany's great-uncle. Iain Glen is left utterly confused, thinking he's talking about the actors.
    • Martin insists a little too strongly that the scene where Theon is castrated was taken from another episode's script, and he had nothing to do with the entire storyline, which rings pretty hollow considering he wrote the books in the first place.
  • During a commentary of the Season 4 finale, Nikolaj begins speaking into a bullhorn. Shortly following that, he begins to imitate Bane, much to Lena's confusion.
  • The Season 3 History and Lore video on Robert's Rebellion, which features some catty bickering between Varys and Littlefinger, all done in the same dead serious tone as the other H&L videos.
    • The Blackfish also gets in some good snark during his videos on the Riverlands and House Tully.

      (About the family sigil) The trout, that most terrifying of fish, especially when it leaps out of the water. I suppose you don't have many options when you live in the Riverlands.
      (About making alliances through marriage) Our trout has swum up so many rivers over the centuries and leapt onto so many plates that it's a wonder that half the realm's sigils don't have fins by now.
      If Westeros isn't careful, pretty soon our people will grow some sense and abandon this place for a safer realm... like the Dothraki Sea.
      "The King eats, and The Hand takes the shit." The same is true of the Riverlands: "The Seven Kingdoms piss, and the Riverlands change clothes."

    • Thoros remarking that his heroic charge on the Greyjoys was due to him desperately needing to piss, and calling the War of the Five Kings "those brats squabbling over the world's pointiest chair."
  • Gethin Anthony revealed at the 2014 EM-Con GoT panel that he wrote Renly/Loras fanfiction to help him understand the characters and their relationship better, but judging by the audience's amused reaction, some dirty-minded fans were evidently hoping that he had composed pure smut. Even Kristian Nairn's face turned beet red when he realized what the crowd were chuckling at. Gethin's expression could be read as, "Damn, I should've expected that the R/L shippers would twist my words in that way."

    Gethin: As preparation for the second series, I wrote myself a little short story about what Loras and Renly did between the seasons, and it's all — (Audience bursts into laughter, including one loud wolf whistle.)

    • At the same convention, Gethin also spoke of how he annoyed Jack Gleeson on set by sending him numerous notes as his Uncle Renly admonishing his nephew's bad behaviour. Jack's response to Gethin's one-time gift of a Jelly Baby is appropriately Joffrey-like.

      Gethin: I gave young Jack Gleeson a present once, and he sent it back, because on set I would write him little notes from Uncle Renly telling him to stop being a naughty boy. And I sent him a Jelly Baby as a gift to his trailer with a little note telling him what he should be doing, and he sent it back with the head bitten off.

    • Gethin recounts the time Sean Bean laughed at him after he got drenched by the latter's car on an especially rainy day.

      Gethin: It wasn't funny necessarily for me, but someone got a kick out of it. I was fully dressed up in my lovely little outfit from Season 1 and it was rainy outside. The costume department very kindly gave me an umbrella, "Be careful." "Of course, I'll just skip from my trailer to the studio, so it's only about a 5-minute walk." So I'm walking over and it's really raining cats and dogs, I'm keeping it all protected, and then this big car — a Jag — just swooshed around the corner and nails me completely with a puddle! It splashes all over me, and I just stood there going, "What the...?" As I stood there soaking, the driver [...] was all, "Gethin, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" and Sean Bean gets out of the back and goes "Heh, that was funny that!"

  • Finn Jones was entertainingly wacky and hyperactive during this Season 4 NYC premiere red carpet interview, and many fans even suspected that he was high as a kite and/or drunk at the time (although the actor would later deny that he was inebriated in any way). Some have suggested that Finn should host next year's event, as he's much more fun and dynamic than the reporter from Facebook Live.

    Interviewer: Maybe Loras can be the Father of Unicorns. We have a Mother of Dragons.
    Finn: We can get Renly back from the dead, and we can do that "thing," and make some unicorns.

    • Here's another interview from the same event where Finn discusses unicorns (again) and his "sword."

      Interviewer: If you had a sword, what would you name it?
      Finn: Oh wow, is this a penis question? Um, if I had sword... No, all I can think about is my dick! Sword, sword, sword, sword, if I had a sword... Uh, I don't know, all I can think about is my penis.

  • In a red-carpet interview, Indira Varma was asked who she would "ship" herself with in Game of Thrones universe, her reply? "The Mountain. You know, for the size."
  • Kit Harington claims that a girl once went up to him in a bar and said that he looked like Jon Snow. His response to this was to say "well, I am". She simply said "he's taller than you are".
  • The entire Long Story Short , a short feature about the making of Game of Thrones with D.B. Weiss and David Benioff being interviewed and Charles Dance as the narrator.

    Charles Dance: I'm Charles Dance. They thought I would make a good narrator.
    D.B. Weiss: Mostly because we're terrified of him. You don't want a call from Charles Dance in the middle of the night.
    Charles Dance: [Close-up to a photo of Dance with thunder striking] Indeed!

  • Lena Headey's interview with Pedro Pascal for Hunger magazine provides such gems as:
    • Lena poking a screaming Pedro's eyes. Hunger published this article before "The Mountain and the Viper" aired, so this image likely only made sense to people who read the books beforehand.
    • Lena's sarcastic definition of an Anti-Hero.

      It means he doesn't wear deodorant, doesn't it?

    • Lena and Pedro agreeing that they're both too "stupid" for jobs more stable than acting.

      Lena: I can't even make pizza!
      Pedro: We don't have any other skills.
      Lena: None at all!

    • Lena recalling when she became so drunk, she accidentally misnamed Pedro, "Pablo".

      Pedro: Even family members have done that to me! Do I look more like a Pablo? Because it happens with about ninety-five percent of the people I meet.
      Lena: No, I think I'm just an ignorant drunk person.
      Pedro: No, you were an ignorant drunk person that night is what you're saying.
      Lena: And now I'm educated.
      Pedro: (whispers) But I want you to call me Pablo.
      Lena: Ok, Pablo!

  • Loras gets his revenge on Joffrey for the latter's homophobic depiction of Renly at the royal wedding feast.
  • The roundtable discussion with actors who were killed off in Season 4 has all of them sharing how they learned it would happen.
    • In Charles Dance's case, it was from a fan who didn't realize he hadn't read the books and described the entire scene (at Dance's own request once he found out it would happen).
    • Thomas Brodie-Sangster got to his death scene, knowing full well that Jojen was still alive in the books, and after Jojen getting stabbed he figured Meera would save him. Then Meera gave him a Mercy Kill instead, and he figured he could at least come back next season as a Wight. Then the Child of the Forest blew up his body with a "Molotov Cocktail."
  • In the Season 4 commentaries, Alex Graves reveals that the first attempt to shoot Joffrey's death was ruined by the actors all being a bit punchy after spending so long filming the wedding scene, so that they all cracked up irretrievably after Jack Gleeson's delivery of "The pie is dry."
  • From Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams' commentary on "First of His Name":
    • This season their performance of the credits is with interpretive dance, ie spinning around on their chairs.
    • Maisie notes how doing walking scenes with Rory McCann can get tricky because his strides are so much longer.
    • Sophie reveals that Kate Dickie was actually standing off-camera making the orgasm sounds for her to react to, and the scene we get is the only take where she didn't laugh.
      • She also had to eat fifty lemon cakes during all of those takes, and unlike Sansa, she hates lemon cakes.
    • The crew wasn't able to bring horses to Iceland and had to make do with ponies, causing some issues with their being way too small for Rory.
    • Maisie managed to hit herself in the eye with Needle while trying to stab Sandor.
    • They suspect Kit Harington would look like one of the Jackson Five if he cut his hair.
  • Bryan Cogman points out in the commentary for "The Laws of Gods and Men" that his sigil in the credits is a vomiting Maester, thanks to an incident Dan and Dave happened to witness.
  • In the "Mockingbird" commentary, Aiden Gillen sings "You're the One That I Want" while Kate Dickie makes orgasm noises.
  • In the months leading up to Season 5, there were persistent rumors that Charles Dance had filmed more for the show, leading to tons of speculation about whether there would be flashbacks, or even if Tywin Lannister wasn't actually dead. Turns out it was to play his corpse.
  • Peter Dinklage, Maisie Williams, Kit Harington, and Emilia Clarke try to sum up the first four seasons of Game of Thrones in thirty seconds.

    Kit Harington: Ned gets killed, dragons get hatched. Sex, not necessarily loving. Jon Snow progressively gets more upset.
    Emilia Clarke: Blood, death, boobs. Blood, death, boobs. Dragons! Daenerys Wins!
    Maisie Williams: Death, death, death, revenge, death, death, death, revenge, death, and revenge.
    Peter Dinklage: Tyrion is a science chemistry teacher at a high school, he finds this guy Jesse Pinkman and they get a Winnebago and then they get involved with some fried chicken place.

  • Ian McElhinney, who has read the books, realized by himself that his character (Ser Barristan) was written out when he noticed that his shooting schedule for Season 5 was too thin considering all the stuff his book counterpart does. He reflects about it with a final piece of sage advide: "It proves you should probably not read the books."
  • Aimee Richardson's reaction to Myrcella being recast.
  • Kerry Ingram congratulates Liam Cunningham on his nameday: "Happy birthday niggit"
  • This picture of Kerry Ingram and Carice Van Houten following Episode 5x9, simply captioned "Awkward farewell presents."
  • Much like Harrison Ford in The Force Awakens, Ian McShane is a ton of fun as a grumpy old man who couldn't care less about the show and just wanted an easy paycheck. Special mention to his description of the whole series as "just tits and dragons," which no one can resist mentally adding a "Cocksucker" to.
  • This interview with Aiden Gillen, where he casually gives a Shout-Out to How to Train Your Dragon: "I'd be wary of dragons generally as they're not easy to manipulate. Remember, these are days long before How To Train Your Dragon. "
  • After Gendry left Dragonstone in a rowboat at the end of season 3 he wasn't seen or mentioned for several seasons. This lead to a lot of jokes about how he was still rowing and possibly lost. Joe Dempsie, who played the character, got in on the act by making joke tweets every season.
  • After the episode where Jon Snow is revived, Kit Harington had an interview with Jimmy Kimmel where he revealed that, despite being told by the producers not to let anyone know his character would come back to life, he immediately told his parents, his girlfriend...and one policeman. He got pulled over for speeding and would have gotten booked, but the policeman said they could either go to the police station, or Kit could tell him whether he was alive in the next season — although they might still be going to the station if the cop didn't like the answer!
  • For the scene where Melisandre fails to seduce Jon Snow, Carice van Houten revealed that the stage directions for her response to him reminding her of his vows was literally - "Melisandre gives him a 'bitch, please' look".
  • The reveal of what Hodor's name means is heartbreaking...until you find out how much it screwed over every single foreign language dub team as they had been using the name the whole time with no idea that they would have to make it a mashed up phrase. Naturally, many of the attempts to translate "hold the door" into something that sounds roughly the same have been incredibly awkward.
  • After the events of "The Winds of Winter" where Loras Tyrell was among those who died in the explosion of the Sept of Baelor, Finn Jones amusingly posted a tweet that Loras will rise from the wildfire ashes and will become the Immortal Iron Fist!
    • Most hilarious response regarding the episode is the official Twitter account of Iron Fist giving their condolences to the Tyrells.
  • Emilia Clarke and Natalie Emmanuel once crashed a Game of Thrones-themed wedding by accident while filming in Croatia. They had immediate "Oh, we gotta go" reactions. Andy Richter goes on to comment that Game of Thrones is the worst show to do theme weddings off of, as weddings never go well in the show.
  • The Season Six blooper reel is about seventy-five percent composed of Peter Dinklage failing to pronounce the word "benevolent".
    • "Weeks later", a crew member goes to Peter to discuss script changes with him. When she mentions the word "benevolent", Peter promptly spits out his drink.
    • Kit Harington instinctively moving to cover his (already covered) junk when Carice Van Houten removes his blanket.
    • Emilia Clarke repeatedly screwing up her speech to her newly recruited Dothraki (including one memorable mangled line that came out as "Fuck a cack a cack cack cack!"), then saying resignedly:

      Emilia: Fucked up all of my Dothraki!

  • When Pedro Pascal appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers to promote the second season of Narcos, he also impishly answered the GoT-loving Seth's request to learn how exactly he became Oberyn Martell.
    • As recounted on the Trivia page, Pedro decided while mentoring a USC graduate to audition for Oberyn, that he should audition as well; he texted his manager about this decision during the mentee's bathroom break. Before Pedro recalls recording his first audition tape, Seth asks if the mentee ever came out of the bathroom. Pedro sarcastically cackles, "I locked the door!", then performs an Evil Laugh and some pretend mustache-twirling.
    • Weeks after Pedro sent in his second video, he received a cryptic phone call from Sarah Paulson (who helped send the first tape to David Benioff), followed by an invitation to Belfast. He expected having to audition a third time, but instead:

      Pedro: And apparently, I had the part, and I was supposed to know, and I didn't know. (snip) I was, like, ready to, like, prove myself, and they were like, (sleazy voice) "You're going to love Croatia!" (normal voice) And like, "Meet the director!" and, "Have a costume fitting!" and, "Go to a stunt rehearsal!" and, "Get your head cast!"
      Seth: Oh, wow.
      Pedro: You know, "Get the goop on, and everything, and we're gonna make your head!" And I still didn't have the balls to ask them if I had gotten the part, because it's a messy business! You know, anything can happen. I got the part.

  • The Emmys 2016 opening has Jimmy Kimmel getting late for the awards show. After getting entangled with the shenanigans of the nominees, he prays to the heavens (okay, it's Oprah) for a way to get to the show on time. And then, Daenerys shows up with Drogon. While they were riding towards the studio, Drogon roasted Ryan Seacrest.
  • Pilou Asbaek, who played Euron Greyjoy, tweeted the reason for the delay on Season 7's release.

    My apologies...the real reason #GOT isn't starting in April is that it takes time to build a 1000 ships...#666 still to go!!! See ya in July

  • The HBO promo which featured some of the characters saying "ahh..." (though Jon was saying "shhh...").
  • While promoting for Season 7, there's a parody audition of Kit Harington who auditioned several characters such as Arya, Daenerys, the Night King and Harry Potter (who is not even from the series)
  • During the Season 7 Comic Con panel, the cast were asked about which character they wish hadn't been killed. After everyone else gives their funny and heartwarming answers, John Bradley says he wishes Jon Snow hadn't died, "just to save us having to talk about it every five minutes for a year." His is the face of a man who's thoroughly fed up with the whole matter.
  • The entire fact that after the audience's extreme distaste for the Sand Snakes became clear, their subsequent appearances are basically an extended mea culpa where they're sternly talked down to, have even more exaggeratedly ridiculous lines that they mock themselves, and are ignominiously killed with their own weapons.
  • Ben Hawkey, Hot Pie's actor, opened a Game-of-Thrones-inspired bakery where you can buy an actual direwolf-shaped bread. What's more hilarious is the name of the bakery itself: You Know Nothing, John Dough.
  • In a Behind-The-Scenes video about the epic scene of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen finally meeting, Emilia Clarke discusses her full Cockney mode:

    Emilia Clarke: Wot? I dunno who Jon Snow is! No one's been chattin' about him! "King in the Wot?" No, that's not how this goes!

  • This Behind-The-Scenes video. The actors talk about the love scene between Jon and Dany and how awkward it felt to film due to the fact that the two of them are unknowingly related, while also lightheartedly making fun about it.

    Peter Dinklage: It's not good! But it should be! But it's not! [shrugs] It's Game Of Thrones.
    Emilia Clarke: For us as actors it's just WEIRD. The reality of what they are to each other... I don't know how that's gonna... I mean they kinda [makes weird disgusted sounds]... might be the reaction. [Emilia giggles]
    Kit Harington: I like looking at her and going: [mock dry heaves] "Oh God, I'm sorry. Let's... let's go again".

  • Rory McCann and Kristofer Hivju sings about being happy. Bonus points for McCann still wearing the burnt face prosthetic.
  • Just about every interview featuring Nikolaj Coster-Waldeu and Gwendoline Christie falls into this. The two are very clearly good friends and don't hesitate to mess around with each other. Highlights include:
    • An interviewer showing a picture of Jaime from Season 1 and Gwen bursting out laughing.
    • Gwen revealing that she once sat down on the Iron Throne to take a selfie and broke it.
    • This exchange:

    Gwen: I'll actually go into anaphylactic shock if I'm anywhere near-
    Nikolaj: (Starts playing the show's theme on a kazoo)
    Gwen: This is so wonderful.

    • Nikolaj and Gwen yelling at each other over the interviewer's shoes.
    • Nikolaj referencing the theory that Varys is a merman, but accidentally calling it a "manmaid", leaving Gwen helpless with laughter.
    • Gwen constantly saying that Brienne should've gotten together with Tormund and Nikolaj acting offended.
  • The absolutely insane (yet probably still completely justified) anti-spoiler measures during the filming of the show's final season. The sets are enclosed in giant metal walls, and the actors are fed their lines one by one through earpieces rather than being given scripts. They also called in Faye Marsay (The Waif), Tom Wlaschiha (Jaqen H'ghar) and Vladimir Furdik (The Night King) just to have them hang out on the King's Landing set (Furdik had no scenes there, and Marsay and Wlaschiha had no scenes at all in the entire season) and keep the fans guessing.
  • After Kit Harington and Rose Leslie got together for real, the long off the show Rose refused to let him read the scripts at home due to being so paranoid about being spoiled.
  • The April 2018 Omaze video, with Emilia Clarke in full costume promising to show a bit of the set of Season 8 to the viewer... and failing at it. Cue the alarm, green screen without any special effect added to it and *Bleep*-dammit! And her trademark adorkableness all the way through. Plus, there's the shrine to Jason Momoa in her trailer ("You really don't need to see this!") and a put upon Kit Harington telling her at the producer's request to stop.
  • Pedro Pascal "gouging" out his eyes himself at the last season's red carpet premiere.
  • After all the attention fans have given to Bran's creepy, intense stare as the Three-Eyed Raven, especially in "Winterfell", there's something pretty funny about Isaac Hempstead-Wright admitting that part of the reason for the stare is the fact that he needs glasses in real life but can't wear them while filming, so he just can't see what's happening in a lot of his scenes.
  • The BTS interview with Kit Harington that revealed he got his right testicle caught in the wildly bucking dragon-riding rig, which is equal parts hilarious and painful. Cue Corpsing from the camera crew and Kit invoking Too Much Information:

    In my head, I thought, 'This is how it ends, on this buck, swinging me around by my testicles literally.' [beat] [crew starts laughing, all start laughing] Sorry, probably too much information.

    • Looks like even Emilia Clarke noticed:

      "I saw Kit ride on it and I'm sure it was an anatomical situation [laughs], more than anything else. He definitely tried to cover it up, but after a while, he just gave in. He said, 'This is really painful. I don't know how you do it.'"

  • Another shot showing Kit bungling getting off a horse because of that huge fur cloak getting tangled in his sword. Sophie Turner and Isaac Hempstead-Wright laugh and clap. Funny enough on its own, but what makes this even funnier is seeing Bella Ramsay(Lyanna Mormont) and Rupert Vansittart(Yon Royce) continuing to remain completely in character and glaring daggers at Kit throughout.
  • HBO Backstories showed an animated account of showrunner David Benioff playing a slap game with Jason Momoa, which enlarged his hands as he described it as "catcher's mitts with bubonic plague". After a check-up in the hospital, it turns out that Jason squished his hands. Moral of the story: Don't challenge the Khal.
  • After Arya and Gendry have sex, there was a dramatic uptick in Google searches checking Maisie Williams' age. (She is 22 FYI). Says something Maisie at first thought it was a prank by the writers. And then...
    • Sophie Turner's reaction to the scene.
  • The BTS of Tormund's story-time and milk-chug scene: all the actors are holding it together as they watch Kristofer Hivju chug and chug and chug milk with their in-character 'WTF did we just hear?' faces until the director yells 'cut' and they all burst out laughing.
  • Fans pointed out how stupid it is to put the women and children on the crypt where the Night King would resurrect the corpses into wights. Peter Dinklage even acknowledged it:

    Peter Dinklage: It's terrifying down there. We're in a crypt. Nobody ever thought of that. He's bringing all the dead people back to life. And they've put women and children in a crypt with all the dead people, so...(growls).

  • When discussing the fact that Arya kills the Night King rather than Jon Snow behind the scenes, the crew discusses their reactions to it. Among those reactions, there's a masterful bit of Gilligan Cut comedy:

    Executive Story Director Dave Hill: Kit was really fine with it!

    (cut to a forlorn Kit Harrington)

  • Some eagle-eye viewers spotted a Starbucks cup on the table during the Winterfell feast from "The Last of the Starks". That cup even trended on Twitter more than whatever had happened in the episode itself. Later, HBO edited the cup out in subsequent releases. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau texted the other actors, "Great episode. Was that a coffee cup?"
  • Lena Headey discussing Cersei's fundamental spitefulness in regards to executing Missandei, in a tone of undisguised glee at how awful her character is.

    Lena Headey: When I read that, it made sense to me immediately. I'm like, why's she ever gonna do something that someone tells her to do? She's not going to go, "Okay!" She's gonna think, "Fuck you!" Also, it's, y'know, Dany's best friend, so she's like, "Fuck you too!" (beat) She's fun at parties, that's all I can say!

  • Rory McCann blowing a trumpet in the middle of the table reading for Cleganebowl.
    • From the same interview, he mentions once going to dinner with Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, who ordered chicken. When the waitress brought him two chicken breasts, Hafþór clarified he didn't want chicken, he wanted a chicken. The whole thing.
  • During the Behind the Episode featurette for "The Battle of the Bastards," Iwan Rheon says of his death by hounds, "Well, I did ask for a dragon-related death..." and looks directly at the camera with a look of utter indignation.
  • After reading the scene in the script for the series finale where Bran is named King of the Seven Kingdoms, Isaac Hempstead Wright assumed the creators were doing a joke and sent all the other actors scripts that had their own characters that role.
  • Sophie Turner's Instagram farewell to the solemn, dignified Stark family was a less than serious behind-the-scenes photo of her vaping, Maisie Williams chilling in a pair of sunglasses, and Isaac Hempstead Wright balancing a water bottle on his head. It's made funnier by the fact that they're all on set and in full costume except for Isaac, because apparently Bran wears shorts and loafers under those heavy blankets.
  • During the final read for the last season, co-executive producer and writer Bryan Cogman read the part of Jon confronting the Night King in a dramatic voice with the entire cast laughing.

    Bryan Cogman: The Night King turns and sees Jon coming for him. Is this going to be an epic fight?! No!

    • Liam Cunningham and Kristofer Hivju were reading the Winterfell feast scene. Both of them deliver their lines in a Punctuated! For! Emphasis! manner while the rest of the cast giggled.


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